What should I pack?


From May to November, Egypt enjoys a hot, dry climate. The wind is almost always on the sea, making the heat bearable. In April and November, it’s summery during the day, but a little windier.

Sataya LagoonjanvFebMarchAprilMayJunejulyAugustsevenoct.nov.Dec.
Temp. mini 14°14°17°20°24°26°27°28°26°24°19°16°
Max. max. 23°23°25°28°31°33°33°34°33°31°28°25°
Temp. sea 24°24°24°25°27°28°30°31°30°29°27°25°


The climate in Egypt from June to the end of October is hot. So pack light clothing and just a jacket for evening cruises in April, late October and November. The dress code on the boat is bathing suit and possibly pareo. Simplify your life and disconnect yourself from Europe’s chic dress codes. You can bring your own evening wear if you wish, but remember that it’s hot, so you’ll need clothes that don’t stick. In April and November, you may want to bring a little jacket for the evening. As far as shoes are concerned, the ones you’ll be wearing for the trip will suffice, as you’ll be asked to take them off for the duration of the cruise. You’ll only find your shoes again when you leave the boat at the end of the cruise. Now that’s letting go!

Swimming equipment

We offer you the possibility of renting your equipment for the week directly on site. We have at your disposal: fins (25 euros), shorty (25 euros) and mask with snorkel (15 euros).

You need to inform me of your rental request in advance, as well as your shoe size for the fins and clothing size (possibly height and approximate weight) for the shorts. As far as the mask is concerned, in principle it’s better to buy it and make sure it fits your face properly.

If you prefer to buy your own equipment, we advise you to take good, reliable gear, especially masks and snorkels.

The mask must, of course, have a glass window and be well adapted to your face. A mask that leaks will spoil your comfort and vision during encounters with dolphins and the underwater world. The waterproofness test is as follows: clear your hair away from your face and place the mask on your face, without putting the strap behind your head. At the same time, breathe in continuously with your nose to create a vacuum in the mask. If it holds itself on your face while you inhale, the mask is watertight and therefore adapted to the shape of your face.

As far as the snorkel is concerned, make sure that the clip that attaches the snorkel to the mask fits snugly. The mouthpiece that goes into your mouth should also be comfortable.

Fins should be flexible enough not to exhaust you, especially if you’re a beginner, but still be able to provide good propulsion. First-price fins are not recommended. Seek advice from a competent salesperson. Personally, I recommend VOLO RACE fins from MARES. For added comfort, bring a thin neoprene sock to wear inside the fin (or a pair of socks), to avoid blisters and make you really comfortable during all your aquatic outings. Remember, we’ll be spending a lot of time with our fins on our feet.

Although it’s not compulsory, given the high water temperature, I personally enjoy swimming with a 1 or 3mm wetsuit. It makes it easier to glide through the water and protects the back and thighs from the sun’s rays. What’s more, as we sometimes stay in the water for long periods, the wetsuit provides extra comfort, especially for cruises in April and May. You can rent one on site on request.

Sun protection

Bear in mind that we’ll be spending a large part of our day in the water, and that the sun in Egypt is very powerful. We therefore recommend adequate protection. Suncreams are a source of pollution that contributes to the destruction of coral reefs, so we strongly encourage you to opt for anti-UV t-shirts for protection. For the face, you can find biodegradable creams in good shops, such as the eco cosmetics line at approx. 20.- per 75ml.


Please note that the only times when sailing may be a little rough are the trip from the departure port on the first day and the return trip. For these few hours only, we advise sensitive people to take anti-travel-ache medication. Although the boat is equipped with a first-aid kit, you should also bring your own medication, for example to treat stomach upsets. Even if the galley is perfectly safe from a sanitary point of view, and you don’t run the risk of poisoning yourself, you could find yourself drinking too much cold water, or suffering from intestinal problems for other reasons. You should also remember to take any medication you take regularly.

Nights under the stars

As the boat is at anchor for the entire stay in the lagoon, nights are spent aboard the boat, in the middle of the sea, protected by the lagoon. This is a marvellous opportunity for stargazing, as there is no surrounding light to disturb this magnificent vision. It’s perfectly possible to sleep under the stars on the boat’s upper deck. We recommend that you bring a sleeping bag to protect you from the dampness of the night.

Don’t forget

Several swimsuits, sarong, towel, sunglasses, hat.

You’ll also be able to buy beautiful bath towels with the DOLPHINLAGOON logo on the boat.

To preserve the environment, we have installed a water fountain on the boat. Water bottles will be available on board, and we encourage you to fill them at the fountain rather than keep changing them. If you have a water bottle, I encourage you to take it with you, so that you can always recognize it. We also have Dolphin Lagoon water bottles for sale on board, priced at 10 euros.

Don’t forget your cameras and chargers, as well as USB sticks for sharing photos.

Take a copy of your passport for the boat’s formalities.

To make the most of these relaxing moments, don’t forget to bring along a book, some music, etc. And why not propose a game or entertainment to the other participants. Cruising is also a fantastic space for sharing.

If you want to watch a movie in the living room, the TV can play your USB sticks and DVDs.

Special swimsuit note:
Remember to take swimsuits that hold up well. Little strings that come untied on the zodiac could get you into trouble…

Our cruises

We plan several trips a year.
Discover the dates of our next cruises and join the Dolphin Lagoon adventure while there’s still room!

Free cancellation 24 hours before departure*.

Book with peace of mind: you can cancel your trip up to 24 hours* before departure!

Hello :)

We offer our participants a beautiful cruise that allows them to experience a week of true happiness and rediscover their childhood joy.